nf-core/configs: KU Leuven/UHasselt Tier-2 High Performance Computing Infrastructure (VSC)

NB: You will need an account to use the HPC cluster to run the pipeline.

  1. Install Nextflow on the cluster
conda create --name nf-core python=3.12 nf-core nextflow

A nextflow module is available that can be loaded module load Nextflow but it does not support plugins. So it’s not recommended

  1. Set up the environment variables in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile:

If you have access to dedicated nodes, you can export these as a command separated list. These queues will only be used if specified task requirements are not available in the normal partitions but they are available in dedicated partitions. AMD is considered a dedicated partition.

export SLURM_ACCOUNT="<your-credential-account>"
# Comma-separated list of available dedicated partitions (if any)
# For example: export VSC_DEDICATED_QUEUES="dedicated_big_bigmem,dedicated_big_gpu"
export VSC_DEDICATED_QUEUES="<available-dedicated-partitions>"
# Needed for running Nextflow jobs
export NXF_HOME="$VSC_SCRATCH/.nextflow"
export NXF_WORK="$VSC_SCRATCH/work"
# Needed for running Apptainer containers
export APPTAINER_CACHEDIR="$VSC_SCRATCH/.apptainer/cache"
export APPTAINER_TMPDIR="$VSC_SCRATCH/.apptainer/tmp"
export NXF_CONDA_CACHEDIR="$VSC_SCRATCH/miniconda3/envs"
# Optional tower key
# export TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN="<your_tower_access_token>"
# export NXF_VER="<version>"      # make sure it's larger then 24.10.1

The current config is setup with array jobs. Make sure nextflow version >= 24.10.1, read array jobs in nextflow you can do this in

export NXF_VER=24.10.1
  1. Make the submission script.

NB: you should go to the cluster you want to run the pipeline on. You can check what clusters have the most free space using following command sinfo --cluster wice|genius.

$ more job.pbs
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --account=...
#SBATCH --chdir=....
#SBATCH --partition=batch_long
#SBATCH --nodes="1"
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node="1"
# module load Nextflow # does not support plugins
conda activate nf-core
nextflow run <pipeline> -profile vsc_kul_uhasselt,<CLUSTER> <Add your other parameters>

NB: You have to specify your credential account, by setting export SLURM_ACCOUNT="<your-credential-account>" else the jobs will fail!

Here the cluster options are:

  • genius
  • genius_gpu
  • wice
  • wice_gpu
  • superdome

NB: The vsc_kul_uhasselt profile is based on a selected amount of SLURM partitions. The profile will select to its best ability the most appropriate partition for the job. Including modules with a label containing gpuwill be allocated to a gpu partition when the ‘normal’ genius profile is selected. Select the genius_gpu or wice_gpu profile to force the job to be allocated to a gpu partition. NB: If the module does not have accelerator set, it will determine the number of GPUs based on the requested resources.

Use the --cluster option to specify the cluster you intend to use when submitting the job:

sbatch --cluster=wice|genius job.slurm 

All of the intermediate files required to run the pipeline will be stored in the work/ directory. It is recommended to delete this directory after the pipeline has finished successfully because it can get quite large, and all of the main output files will be saved in the results/ directory anyway.

Config file

See config file on GitHub

// Default to /tmp directory if $VSC_SCRATCH scratch env is not available,
// see:
def SCRATCH_DIR      = System.getenv("VSC_SCRATCH") ?: "/tmp"
def TIER2_PROJECT    = System.getenv("SLURM_ACCOUNT") ?: null
// Perform work directory cleanup when the run has succesfully completed
// cleanup = true
// Reduce the job submit rate to about 50 per minute, this way the server won't be bombarded with jobs
// Limit queueSize to keep job rate under control and avoid timeouts
executor {
    submitRateLimit = '50/1min'
    queueSize = 50
    exitReadTimeout = "10min"
// Add backoff strategy to catch cluster timeouts and proper symlinks of files in scratch to the work directory
process {
    executor      = 'slurm'
    stageInMode   = "symlink"
    stageOutMode  = "rsync"
    errorStrategy = { sleep(Math.pow(2, task.attempt ?: 1) * 200 as long); return 'retry' }
    maxRetries    = 3
    array         = 30
// Specify that singularity should be used and where the cache dir will be for the images
singularity {
    enabled     = true
    autoMounts  = true
    cacheDir    = "$SCRATCH_DIR/.singularity"
    pullTimeout = "30 min"
params {
    config_profile_contact     = 'GitHub: @Joon-Klaps - Email:'
    config_profile_url         = ''
env {
// AWS maximum retries for errors (This way the pipeline doesn't fail if the download fails one time)
aws {
    maxErrorRetry = 3
 * Queue Selection Utility Functions for HPC Environments
 * ==================================================
 * This module provides functions to determine appropriate HPC queues based on task requirements
 * for both GENIUS and WICE clusters.
 * Constants:
 * ----------
 * TIME_THRESHOLD: 72 hours - Threshold for determining long-running jobs
 * MEMORY_THRESHOLD (GENIUS): 175GB - Memory threshold for bigmem queues
 * MEMORY_THRESHOLD (WICE): 239GB - Memory threshold for high-memory queues
 * ---------
 * Functions:
 * ----------
 * These functions are designed to select the appropriate HPC queues of
 * VSC_KUL_UHASSELT based on task requirements. They handle both standard
 * and GPU queues, considering memory requirements, execution time, and
 * queue availability.
 * limitTaskTime(time, maxTime)
 *     Ensures task time doesn't exceed the maximum allowed time
 *     @param time Current task time
 *     @param maxTime Maximum allowed time
 *     @return Limited task time
def limitTaskTime(time, maxTime) {
    return time > maxTime ? maxTime : time
 * determineGeniusQueue(task)
 *     Selects appropriate CPU queue for GENIUS cluster
 *     @param task Nextflow task object containing memory and time requirements
 *     @return Queue name based on task requirements
def determineGeniusQueue = { task ->
    def isHighMemory = task.memory >= MEMORY_THRESHOLD_GENIUS
    def isLongRunning = task.time >= TIME_THRESHOLD
    def hasDedicatedBigmem = AVAILABLE_QUEUES.contains('dedicated_big_bigmem')
    if (isHighMemory) {
        return isLongRunning ?
            (hasDedicatedBigmem ? 'dedicated_big_bigmem' : 'bigmem_long') :
    return isLongRunning ? 'batch_long' : 'batch'
 * determineGeniusGpuQueue(task)
 *     Selects appropriate GPU queue for GENIUS cluster
 *     @param task Nextflow task object containing memory and time requirements
 *     @return GPU queue name based on task requirements
def determineGeniusGpuQueue = { task ->
    def isHighMemory = task.memory >= MEMORY_THRESHOLD_GENIUS
    def isLongRunning = task.time >= TIME_THRESHOLD
    def hasDedicatedGpu = AVAILABLE_QUEUES.contains('dedicated_rega_gpu')
    def hasAmdGpu = AVAILABLE_QUEUES.contains('amd')
    if (isHighMemory) {
        return isLongRunning ? 'gpu_v100_long' : 'gpu_v100'
    if (isLongRunning) {
        if (hasDedicatedGpu) return 'dedicated_rega_gpu'
        if (hasAmdGpu) return 'amd_long'
        return 'gpu_p100_long'
    return hasAmdGpu ? 'amd' : 'gpu_p100'
 * determineWiceQueue(task)
 *     Selects appropriate CPU queue for WICE cluster
 *     @param task Nextflow task object containing memory and time requirements
 *     @return Queue name based on task requirements and availability
def determineWiceQueue = { task ->
    def isHighMemory = task.memory >= MEMORY_THRESHOLD_WICE
    def isLongRunning = task.time >= TIME_THRESHOLD
    def hasDedicatedQueue = AVAILABLE_QUEUES.contains('dedicated_big_bigmem')
    if (isHighMemory) {
        if (isLongRunning && hasDedicatedQueue) {
            return 'dedicated_big_bigmem'
        task.time = limitTaskTime(task.time, TIME_THRESHOLD)
        return 'bigmem,hugemem'
    return isLongRunning ?
        'batch_long,batch_icelake_long,batch_sapphirerapids_long' :
 * determineWiceGpuQueue(task)
 *     Selects appropriate GPU queue for WICE cluster
 *     @param task Nextflow task object containing memory and time requirements
 *     @return GPU queue name based on task requirements
def determineWiceGpuQueue = { task ->
    def isHighMemory = task.memory >= MEMORY_THRESHOLD_WICE
    def isLongRunning = task.time >= TIME_THRESHOLD
    def hasDedicatedQueue = isHighMemory ?
        AVAILABLE_QUEUES.contains('dedicated_big_gpu_h100') :
    if (isLongRunning && !hasDedicatedQueue) {
        task.time = limitTaskTime(task.time, TIME_THRESHOLD)
    if (isHighMemory) {
        return (isLongRunning && hasDedicatedQueue) ? 'dedicated_big_gpu_h100' : 'gpu_h100'
    return (isLongRunning && hasDedicatedQueue) ? 'dedicated_big_gpu' : 'gpu_a100,gpu'
 * ========
 * Profiles
 * ========
    * These profiles define the resource limits, queue selection, and cluster options
    * for WICE and GENIUS clusters. They also include GPU-specific configurations.
    * Details of the resource limits can be found in for genius at
    * and for wice at
// Define profiles for each cluster
profiles {
    genius {
        params.config_profile_description = 'genius profile for use on the genius cluster of the VSC HPC.'
        process {
            // 768 - 65 so 65GB for overhead, max is 720000MB
            resourceLimits = [ memory: 703.GB, cpus: 36, time: 168.h ]
            beforeScript   = { 'module load cluster/genius/' + determineGeniusQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
            queue          = { determineGeniusQueue(task) }
            clusterOptions = {
                determineGeniusQueue(task) =~ /dedicated/ ?
                    "--clusters=genius --account=lp_big_genius_cpu" :
                    "--clusters=genius --account=$TIER2_PROJECT"
            withLabel: '.*gpu.*'{
                resourceLimits         = [ memory: 703.GB, cpus: 36 , time: 168.h ]
                beforeScript           = { 'module load cluster/genius/' + determineGeniusGpuQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
                apptainer.runOptions   = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
                singularity.runOptions = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
                queue                  = { determineGeniusGpuQueue(task) }
                clusterOptions         = {
                    def gpus = task.accelerator?.request ?: Math.max(1, Math.floor((task.cpus ?:1)/9) as int)
                    "--gres=gpu:${gpus} --clusters=genius --account=$TIER2_PROJECT"
    genius_gpu {
        params.config_profile_description = 'genius_gpu profile for use on the genius cluster of the VSC HPC.'
        apptainer.runOptions              = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
        singularity.runOptions            = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
        process {
            // 768 - 65 so 65GB for overhead, max is 720000MB
            resourceLimits = [ memory: 703.GB, cpus: 36, time: 168.h]
            beforeScript   = { 'module load cluster/genius/' + determineGeniusGpuQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
            queue          = { determineGeniusGpuQueue(task) }
            clusterOptions = {
                def gpus = task.accelerator?.request ?: Math.max(1, Math.floor((task.cpus ?:1)/9) as int)
                "--gres=gpu:${gpus} --clusters=genius --account=$TIER2_PROJECT"
    wice {
        params.config_profile_description = 'wice profile for use on the Wice cluster of the VSC HPC.'
        process {
            // max is 2016000
            resourceLimits = [ memory: 1968.GB, cpus: 72, time: 168.h ]
            beforeScript   = { 'module load cluster/wice/' + determineWiceQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
            queue          = { determineWiceQueue(task) }
            clusterOptions = {
                determineWiceQueue(task) =~ /dedicated/ ?
                    "--clusters=wice --account=lp_big_wice_cpu" :
                    "--clusters=wice --account=$TIER2_PROJECT"
            withLabel: '.*gpu.*' {
                resourceLimits         = [ memory: 703.GB, cpus: 64, time: 168.h ]
                apptainer.runOptions   = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
                singularity.runOptions = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
                beforeScript           = { 'module load cluster/wice/' + determineWiceGpuQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
                queue                  = { determineWiceGpuQueue(task) }
                clusterOptions         = {
                    def gpus = task.accelerator?.request ?: Math.max(1, Math.floor((task.cpus ?:1)/16) as int)
                    def queueValue = determineWiceGpuQueue(task)
                    queueValue =~ /dedicated_big_gpu_h100/ ? "--clusters=wice --account=lp_big_wice_gpu_h100 --gres=gpu:${gpus}" :
                    queueValue =~ /dedicated_big_gpu/ ? "--clusters=wice --account=lp_big_wice_gpu --gres=gpu:${gpus}" :
                    "--clusters=wice --account=$TIER2_PROJECT --gres=gpu:${gpus}"
    wice_gpu {
        params.config_profile_description = 'wice_gpu profile for use on the Wice cluster of the VSC HPC.'
        apptainer.runOptions              = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
        singularity.runOptions            = '--containall --cleanenv --nv'
        process {
            // 768 - 65 so 65GB for overhead, max is 720000MB
            beforeScript   = { 'module load cluster/wice/' + determineWiceGpuQueue(task).toString().split(',')[0] }
            resourceLimits = [ memory: 703.GB, cpus: 64, time: 168.h ]
            queue          = { determineWiceGpuQueue(task) }
            clusterOptions = {
                def gpus = task.accelerator?.request ?: Math.max(1, Math.floor((task.cpus ?:1)/16) as int)
                def queueValue = determineWiceGpuQueue(task)
                queueValue =~ /dedicated_big_gpu_h100/ ? "--clusters=wice --account=lp_big_wice_gpu_h100 --gres=gpu:${gpus}" :
                queueValue =~ /dedicated_big_gpu/ ? "--clusters=wice --account=lp_big_wice_gpu --gres=gpu:${gpus}" :
                "--clusters=wice --account=$TIER2_PROJECT --gres=gpu:${gpus}"
    superdome {
        params.config_profile_description = 'superdome profile for use on the genius cluster of the VSC HPC.'
        process {
            clusterOptions = {"--clusters=genius --account=$TIER2_PROJECT"}
            beforeScript   = 'module load cluster/genius/superdome'
            // 6000 - 228 so 228GB for overhead, max is 5910888MB
            resourceLimits = [ memory: 5772.GB, cpus: 14, time: 168.h]
            queue = { task.time <= 72.h ? 'superdome' : 'superdome_long' }